Posts Tagged 'state'

Why is Our Pork Pink?

Our tent outside the Taste of Ohio

Some people ask us at the fair how we make our pork loin taste so absolutely delectable!  Trust me when I say we do nothing special with it.  We do use one of these:

Our Smokers

They are our smokers.  They give the pork a slight pinkish tint, which is good.  Most people want their steaks with a little pink in the center and pork is no different.  This is easily achievable on your grill at home.  Just grill a pork loin until it gets to around 145-150 degrees and take it off the grill.  Don’t worry about getting to that 165 degrees, the pork will continue to cook after you take it off.  Let it sit for about 10 minutes so that your pork is really juicy and cut and serve!  It’s all in the cooking temperature to get something that looks like this.

Trust me when I say we are doing nothing special. Okay except for maybe this picture!

You can find these shirts on Facebook under Ohio Hog Farmers!

What can I say… you got to have a little bit of fun! 🙂


The Ohio State Fair!

I’m back from the 2010 Ohio State Fair! It was a crazy twelve days of selling, promoting, and celebrating pork production in Ohio.  I spent most of the time in the Taste of Ohio in the Pork Stand selling BBQ pulled pork, pig wings, and the best pork loin sandwich your taste buds will ever experience!

My Home Away From Home!

There you go!  That’s a picture of our pork stand!  (I could never catch someone dropping our plastic knives in front of the stand.  I just wanted to show them the trash can 10 feet behind them!!) Can’t you just feel the excitement and enthusiasm from the opportunity to provide the world with delicious pork!

The cashiers and I recorded the most asked questions from the fair this year.

What are pig wings?

One of the cashiers recorded the amount of times she got asked this question and it resulted in about 30 in one day.  This also happened to be the slowest day at the fair.  I’ll be sharing with you the inside scoop of the pig wings later.

Where can we buy that shirt?

We were all wearing some pretty sweet shirts.  Again, something I’ll be sharing later!

How did you cook the pork loin sandwich to make it so delicious?

Another question I’ll be answering but trust me it’s all in the temperature!

Can I have a cheeseburger?

I think the giant word ‘Pork’ on the banner should have been a little hint to the answer to that question…

More to come!

– B


My Twelve Day Vacation?

I can smell the deep fried food already! The Ohio State Fair begins on Wednesday and I’ll be there in the morning, I’ll be there in the afternoon, and I’ll be there in the evening.  This is my opportunity to get out from behind my desk, join the trenches, and stir some BBQ!  Don’t worry, I’m planning on documenting it every step of the way… that is if I can find my camera back…

Some upcoming posts to look forward to:

  • Pork Rib-Off: An amazing display of BBQ skill and most importantly free samples!
  • Pork Food Stand: My home away from home for these next two weeks.  This is where the hungry become full, the volunteers become family, and the intern becomes covered in BBQ sauce!
  • Pig Wings: The real reason why pigs will never fly!
  • Whatever else happens at the fair this year.  It’s the fair, honestly you never really know…

What’s your favorite fair food?


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