Posts Tagged 'shank'

Pig Wings?

No, not this type of pig wing…

How about this type….

This little baby comes from around the ham bone and the meat is in fact made of ham.  Pig wings became a very popular fair food at the Ohio State Fair this year (stand back deep-fried Twinkies).  They were on the radio, television, and were photographed more than Brittany Spears on vacation!  It may look completely innocent but when pig wing and its fellow pig wingers (I just made that word up) were gone they caused exasperation, jealousy, and even anger.  All for a piece of ham!

I had my share of the pig wings during the fair and I can understand the excitement.  They proved to be juicy and delicious each time with or without the barbecue sauce, with or without the use of utensils, and without or without trying to eat it all in one bite… not that I would know.

What’s your favorite fair food?



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