Posts Tagged 'neighbor'

Neighborhood Cheer

"Hi-dy ho neighbor"

December was “Hi Neighbor” month, but good cheer was already so prevalent that we decided to push back our celebration of this friendly month and let the neighborhood cheer continue past New Year’s. Therefore, we at Porktastic are taking a cue from our two favorite neighbors this month by sharing our knowledge of all things pork. Whether it’s sharing our insight into the world of the hog farmer over the fence or inviting our neighbors to a Porktastically good meal (and then looking the other way when they take all the leftovers and our secret family recipe), we vow to be the best diddily-arn neighbors ever.

"Hi-diddily-ho neighborino"

So brush up on your hog farm know-how, whip up a Porktastic Nine recipe and meet your neighbors at the fence, driveway or door to join us in sharing pork with the world, one neighbor at a time.
